Migrating Titan FTP Server To New Server or VM

Migrating Titan FTP Server To New Server or VM

The process to migrate Titan FTP Server from one server (OS) to another server is as follows:

1) Backup (Export) the following Windows Registry data path from the old server (i.e. Titan FTP 2017):

      Computer\HKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\South River Technologies


2) Backup the User data and Security data (see highlighted in yellow below under the Directories tab of Files/Directories):
3) Move backups (see list below) to UNC or other neutral location for use on the new computer or VM
      - South River Technology Registy Key (from step 1)
      - User Home Directory
      - SSL Certificate Store Directory
      - SSH Host Key Directory

4) Install Titan FTP build 3676 on the new machine

5) Stop the Titan service on the new Windows server
      a. Run, Services.msc
      b. Search for Titan FTP Server Daemon
      c. Right-click on Titan FTP Server Daemon and select Stop

6) Restore the Registry data
      a. Copy the backed up registry file from old server (step 1) to the new server
      b. Double-click the backed up registry file

7) Restore the User and Security data by creating the same directory structure (i.e C:\CSUserFolder\Usr) respective of their correct directories as it was on the old server. Per this document and the captured screenshots, the following directories will be created on the new server:

      User: C:\CSUserFolder\Usr\
      SSL Certificate Store Directory: C:\srtMftSecFiles\MySite\CertStore\
      SSH Host Key Directory: C:\srtMftSecFiles\MySite\HostKeys\

8) Restart the Titan FTP service  on the new server
      a. Run, Services.msc
      b. Search for Titan FTP Server Daemon
      c. Right-click on Titan FTP Server Daemon and select Start

9) Open the Titan FTP server, log into it and confirm all users and configurations were successfully migrated over

10) You may need to deactivate your Titan FTP license on old server and activate it on the new server
      a. On old server, go to File menu and select License information
      b. Copy the RegCode and click Deactivate
      c. On new server, go to File menu and select License information
      d. Paste the RegCode and click Activate

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