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Titan Rebranding Announcement – FAQ
Titan Rebranding Announcement FAQ Overview South River Technologies, Inc. (SRT) has announced a major rebranding initiative to unify its server suite of products under the Titan brand. This change is aimed at driving clarity, enhancing product ...
How To: Use Titan API
How To: Use Titan API Question Does Cornerstone/Titan provide an API? Reasoning I am interested in working with Titan Server programmatically. Answer Yes, Titan Server provides a REST API, and sample use cases are available. Steps Download ...
How To: Create an Event that Sends an Email when the User Successfully Uploads a File
How To: Create an Event that Sends an Email when the User Successfully Uploads a File Question Can you give me a quick guide on creating an event that sends an email to a specific address whenever a user uploads a file that contains information of ...
How To: Create User Authentication using AD LDAP
How To: Create User Authentication using AD LDAP Question How can I authenticate users using LDAP? Reasoning AD LDAP is a robust and flexible authentication mechanism that offers centralized user management, enhanced security, scalability, and ...
Howto - Generate and Install Web TLS Certificate in TitanSFTP
How To: Generate and Install Web TLS Certificate in TitanSFTP NextGen Question How To: Generate and Install TLS Certificate in TitanSFTP NextGen Reasoning Why do we need to install TLS Certificate on our HTTPS Website Answer Installing TLS and using ...