How to add TLS Server Cert
i have basic support, which is email only. it sucks since i constantly wait on a reply but thats what my company bought. im looking how to create and install new ssl cert for my https service. i was given a document from SRT but its not working. when
Regarding the General Information Log
Dear Titan Team, We received a request from a Titan user to improve the log because it was difficult to see. They want to be able to see things like put and get in the General Information Level logs. Don't forget that some administrators don't look at
Is TitanFTP next gen vulnerable to CVE-2024-6387 "regreSSHion"?
Looking for Installer for Titan Ftp Server 64-Bit - Version 2018 Build 3274
Looking for Installer for Titan Ftp Server 64-Bit - Version 2018 Build 3274
Please publish a method to register a large number of users at once.
We've received requests from trial users to publish a way to import a large number of users. Many of our new customers are already using third-party servers, but the biggest challenge for them in migrating to Titan is migrating user information. We have
Options to convert date to UNIX epoch time.
Dear Titan Support Team, I would be useful to have a command that would convert the date to epoch time internally. Specifically, when executing the contents of the following URL, it is necessary to enter "UNIX epoch time" in "$ipBan.EndTimeUtc" in the
Display Current Folder in WebUI
Titan Engineering Team, We would like for the current folder that a user has navigated to to be displayed at the top of the page so that the user is aware. For example: Thank you.
Proposed enhancements to the "Browse" feature of the Web User Interface.
Dear Titan Engineering Team, I want the Web User Interface to be able to play videos such as MP4 and WMV. I think it would be convenient if you could play the video file format supported by the OS with the View button of the WebUI. We also believe that
Titan FTP Server ability to Create and Send the Download Link to recepient.
Titan FTP Server should have the ability to create and send the link for the download files , it will avoid the sharing of user ID and password for the downloads.
Request a TLS certificate renewal step-by-step guide.
In NextGen 2.0.16, the TLS certificate CSR update did not work. When we asked the support team, we received an answer that Titan no longer uses the CSR process. However, some CAs require that a CSR be created and submitted on the server side. We requests
How to remove ssh-rsa?
How to go from this: server_host_key_algorithms: (3) | ssh-rsa | rsa-sha2-256 | rsa-sha2-512 to this: server_host_key_algorithms: (2) | rsa-sha2-256 | rsa-sha2-512 I do not find where this is configured.
Does Titan FTP support MFA when users login?
My company want to deploy MFA on users when they login to the sftp server. I want to know whether Titan FTP support this feature and how do I set up?
Documentation of the error code list is needed.
I strongly recommend that you guys compile a document listing the error codes. It leads to a better experience because the support team, resellers, and end-users are all less burdened.
Imported cert didn't show up
We tried to create scr in Manage Certificates and genarated cer with web server template in Microsoft CA server. after import back to Titan FTP, we cannot locate the cert in local admin server certificate.
How to Upgrade the Titan FTP server without losing any data or links?
We are currently using Titan FTP server build No (3515) on Windows Server 2012. We are now considering migrating from Windows Server 2012 to Windows Server 2019 or a higher version. Additionally, we have planned to update the Titan FTP NextGen server
Where is the user manual for TitanFTP NextGen?
Why are there no current manuals available on the website? The one for TitanFTP is dated 2018. This link below is supposed to be for the latest version of Cornerstone but you get a "500 internal error" when trying to access it. I would like to understand
missing images in migration doc
Need to migrate Titan FTP to a new server and there is a mostly complete doc in SRT's KB articles, but the image files are showing broken. Tried from two different locations. 2019: Migrating Titan FTP Server To New Server or VM ( Can
Need to setup Auto-Delete when a file is successfully downloaded
All how can i setup an event that triggers when a file gets downloaded successfully and deletes this file from the FTP Server?
Regarding newline codes in log files
I received a request from my customer, I opened the NextGen log file in a text editor and it has two different line break codes mixed in. Please unify either LF or CRLF. Or, He would like to see the addition of a function that allows me to select a line
A document summarizing v2019 and NextGen compatibility information is needed.
You should publicize to users the features and commands that have been discontinued in NextGen. Existing users who were using v2019 are confused when NextGen does not accept their previous operations after upgrading to NextGen. e.g.) Commands that were
Request a button to import a CSV file
Hello, If a user using server software from another company migrates to Titan or CSMFT, it is very troublesome to migrate user information. It would be great if a CSV file with user information entered could be imported with the touch of a button. This
I want to register and use a host key at the group level.
Hello, It would be useful if host keys and passwords could be set at the group level instead of only at the user level. We found it inconvenient that the host key and password are only at the user level, while the directory is managed with access at the
Issue trying to Install Titan Server on Windows 2012 VM server - fully patched
Hi All, I am trying to install the trial version of the Titan Server on my Windows 2012 VM Workstation machine. The Server is fully patched, it was the first thing I did. When I double click on the install .exe I instantly get a windows error "Unknow
Regarding Client Authentication Schemes
Dear Engineering Team, I have received requests from several customers for the ability to deny login unless both the host key and password match. There is a high demand for the ability to allow login only if both the key and password match. This has been
Request: Addition of system events
Hello, I would like to see an event added to the system events that would automatically delete logs older than 14 days. I believe there is a great demand for this event, although I believe the server administrator will arbitrarily change the number of
Regarding FIPS mode
Dear Titan FTP Team, I request that TitanFTP Enterprise also have a FIPS mode, as I would like to see it. If administrators could easily create FIPS 140-2 compliant secure servers, it would improve the satisfaction of many customers. With security risks
Addition of WebDAV protocol
Dear Sales Team and Development Team, I understand that it exists at CSMFT. However, I believe that many customers cannot afford it due to cost or lack of skills and experience of the administrators. I request to add WebDAV protocol to Titan FTP Enterprise
Regarding the time zone used for logging
Dear development team, I made an inquiry on the title matter on another ticket. Titan FTP NextGen logs use UTC+0 time and I learned that the Titan FTP feature does not allow me to change the time zone. I know that Titan FTP is used in several countries.
Ability to limit memory usage
Hello, I have received feature requests for titles from several end users. They want to limit the amount of memory available for each server created by Titan FTP. I would like to see a memory limit field added to the service tree (protocol tab) or connection
Deny all but import IP Addresses
Hey all, I have a need to deny all IP's except those listed. The list is well over 200 IP's. Is there in import feature, or file I can paste these into? I am limited to 1 hour, preferably less maintenance window. I understand it won't apply until I select
Logging Granularity
There are times when I want to monitor activity for a particular customer's activity. Sometimes new FTPS customers have issues for one reason or another. I want to make sure they were able to logon for the first time. I want to be able to see if an
IIS Physical Path for public facing portal
I have inherited this system from a previous employee. We host everything on prem, and it seems that he may have been testing out some other solutions for FTP near the end of his time here, and had swapped the physical path for another service. I am going
Change password through sFTP/SSH
Hello, I've recently set up an sFTP server using the Titan Cloud product. I can see that suers can change their passwords throught the SITE PWD feature of FTP however I am wondering if it is possible to allow sers to change their passwords using the
Is it SFTP still working meanwhile I Disable SSH ??
I Have Titan FTP, Is it SFTP still working meanwhile I Disable SSH ?
Titan on Linux
Add the ability for Titan Server to run on Linux