How do I customize the branding of the WEBUI in Titan.
I want to make the WEBUI reflect the company colors and logo so users connecting can be feel assured they are accessing the right website.
You have the option in Titan to modify the branding of the WEBUI within the administrative console.
- You have to purchase and activate the WEBUI module.
- Click on Services and navigate to the HTTP/HTTPS tab.
- Click on “Branding…” button on the top right.
- Customize the available elements of the WEBUI
- Logo Image: Will change the logo displayed
- Colors: Will modify the colors of the following elements in the WEBUI.
- Main background color.
- Footer background color.
- Header background color.
- Header text color.
- Login Server Name.
- Login disclaimer text.
- Copyright notice.
- Copyright URL.
- Login welcome message
- Option to enable “White Label Branding”
- Option to enable “User Level Branding”
- Click on “Preview Settings in Browser without saving” to view the changes.
- Click OK button.
- Click Apply.