This will show all services running, protocal used, local and foreign address, state and PID (process identifier).
You can also use the following process outlined by Microsoft KB Article# 281336:(
To determine which IP/Port is being used by a given program, use the following command:
NETSTAT -p tcp -ano
The Netstat.exe utility has a new switch, the -o switch, that can display the process identifier (ID) that is associated with each connection. This information can be used to determine which process (program) listens on a given port. For example, the netstat -ano command can produce the following output:
Proto Local Address Foreign Address State PID
TCP Listening 888
If you use Task Manager, you can match the process ID that is listed to a process name (program). This feature enables you to find the specific port that a program currently uses. Because this specific port is in use already by a program, another program is prevented from using that same port.
If you know that your Titan Server will be listening on port 21 (or port 22 for SFTP), you can further focus the output by using 'findstr', such as
netstat -p tcp -ano | findstr :21
This will search the netstat output for any entry that is using port 21. You can specify :22 instead of :21 to find services listening on port 22.