How-To: Changing SQL User Credential for Cornerstone MFT Server

How-To: Changing SQL User Credential for Cornerstone MFT Server


How do I change the DB user credentials used for my Cornerstone MFT Server?


I recently migrated my Cornerstone MFT server from an older Operating System (OS) to a newer one. I also updated the user account used for the SQL connection for my Cornerstone MFT server in the ODBC Data Source applet, but I still get an error referencing the older SQL account


The DBUID and DBPWD for that Cornerstone MFT Server needs to be updated to reflect the new user credentials. This update needs to be reflected in the ODBC Data Source applet and in the registry.  The DBUID and DBPWD in the registry for Cornerstone MFT servers are encrypted so they need to be updated through the application to reflect the new credentials.

Pre-requisites (if reinstalling Cornerstone MFT)

  1. Make a backup of the following registry keys (Run, Regedit):
  2. South River Technologies registryHKEY_LOCAL_MACHINE\SOFTWARE\South River Technologies


  1. Create a new dummy server inside of Cornerstone using the new username and password when prompted for the SQL database name, userid and password
  2. Once the server has been created inside of Cornerstone, stop the Cornerstone MFT service and close the Admin console
  3. Navigate to the registry, locate the new server key under Servers (it is numerical, so the next ServerID should be 3) and confirm it has 5 items in it: Default, ClusterIdDatabaseDSN, DBPWD and DBUID
  4. Export registry keys 2 and 3 from the registry, open both using Notepad and update the DBUID and DBPWD in key 2 to reflect the values of DBUID and DBPWD of key 3
  5. Save the changes for key 2 and merge it to the registry by executing it
  6. Start the Cornerstone service and log into the Cornerstone Admin console
  7. Confirm you do not receive the error upon logging in and navigating the server
  8. If all is okay, delete the dummy server created in step 1
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